Chris on a walking trail at Pere Marquette - overlooking the flooded Illinois River that still carries some barge traffic. Foreground is a flooded field; in the background is Stump Lake.
Scenes along the MKT trail - Alan making some pictures, a lowland area between the trail and the Missouri River, a "spring" with MKT plaque and tons of lovely, peppery watercress.
Whitten Lenz - a Fuller Brush saleman. He wore the hounds tooth coat and hat when he went "brushing" to create a good impression on his door-to-door sales.
Planning for the renovation of the Photojournalism Lab which will also create the McDougall Center gallery and work room - from left, Brian Brooks, Tina Mann, BJ, Rich and Dave.
When first-time felons from Algoa Correctional Center in Jefferson City went on an Outward Bound-type program in the Mark Twain Forest in southern Missouri, reporter Frank Rossi and I hiked along. My feet ended up like this fellow's - painfully blistered. --David Rees
Research Assistant Anthony Strand, on loan to the McDougall Center from the MU library system, works five hours a week cataloging the life work of Angus McDougall.
Outside the office window in the late afternoon, Phoebe Sexton and Charles Ludeke greet each other.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Me and Oreo - by my son, Alan Rees.
Søren Pagter, a POYi judge this year. He teaches at the Danish School of Journalism in Aårhus.
Donna DeCesare, a POYi judge - she teaches at the University of Texas at Austin.
Pablo Corral Vega, an Ecuadoran photographer who was one of the 12 jurors for this year's POYi.
Stuart Loory readies to go on the air with the radio program Global Journalist. Last week, for the first time ever, it was also a video broadcast online.
POYi Director Rick Shaw in the second week of the three-week judging marathon.
Jackie Bell, MU Photojournalism faculty member at POYi. University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Bruce Thorson in the background. Bruce teaches photojournalism in Husker land and brought 18 (eighteen!) NU students to watch several days of POYi juding.